Words &
Phrases Translations Directory
Basic Words & Phrases - salutations and basic how to ask
for |
Beverages - including wine, beer and liquor |
Bread & Pastry - the major types
Conversions |
Cooking Methods - boiling through searing |
Culinary Verbs - words describing how to do things in the kitchen |
Dairy Products - milk and milk products |
Days & Months - days of the week and months |
Desserts - from baked Alaska to yogurt
Distance Conversions -
distances, measures of all types |
Eggs - eggs and egg dishes |
Fowl - the type of birds we commonly eat |
Fruit - an assortment of popular fruit names |
General Useful Words - more generalized helpful phrases |
Herbs & Spices - from anise to watercress |
Kitchen words - words about things in the kitchen
Liquid Conversions |
Meats - items you would find in the butcher shop
to US Conversions and Vice-Versa |
Nuts - a listing of commonly encountered nuts |
Public Buildings - including libraries, utility companies and more |
Restaurants - on how to order, items to order, all about |
Seafood - how to order the fish you want and
the preparation of it |
Soups - an alphabet soup of popular French soups |
Sauces & Stocks - preparation and ingredients |
Store Types from A to Z - for all of your shopping needs |
Supermarket Products - items from a to z and much more |
Table Settings - everything on the table |
Time - Dates - for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks ,etc. |
Trains - Stations
- Purchase Tickets - getting around, stations |
Transportation Sources - all modes of transportation |
Travel - useful phrases while traveling
Type Foods words and
US to Metric
Conversions |
Vegetables - their names and preparation |
Weight Conversions